Nutrition & Fitness Coaching Services
6-Week Vegan Nutritional Coaching
Are you trying to lose weight or incorporate a plant-based diet into your current fitness program? Wondering what to eat? This plan provides a customized roadmap filled with daily menus, easy recipes, a weekly shopping list and specific tweaks to your current way of eating that will help you achieve your goals. During a 75-minute phone consultation, we will discuss what might be holding you back from reaching your goals, your current meal pattern and products that will make it easier to implement a plant-based diet. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to speak with me by phone every other week for 30 minutes.
6-Week Fitness Coaching (At-Home or At The Gym)
This program begins with a scheduled 75-minute in-depth phone consultation. Based on your schedule and goals, you will be provided a 6-week customized fitness program in manageable segments that you can do at home or at the gym. You will receive reminder texts or calls to help ensure you never skip a workout. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to speak with me by phone for 30-minutes every other week. This is a fun program that never gets boring because no workout is ever quite the same!